Legal Toolbox

Section 26(1)(g) empowers the Minister to make regulations prohibiting or regulating any activity in order to protect a water resource or instream or riparian habitat. In terms of section 1 of the National Water Act:

Prima facie, these definitions describe the key components of water source areas. Section 26(4) requires the Minister, when making such regulations, to take into account all “relevant considerations”. The National Water Act provides detailed requirements for the making of regulations, which also rather unusually involves tabling such regulations in Parliament.

Type of legal protection

Appropriately drafted prohibitions or restrictions would provide strong protection, with a potential criminal sanction. The only caveat is that regulations can therefore be withdrawn by the Minister. It is arguable that such withdrawal would also have to be tabled in Parliament “for consideration”; either way, some form of public notice and comment would be required, therefore making it particularly difficult for the Regulations to be withdrawn.

Benefits and Challenges

Did You Know?

37% of water is lost once it enters our water distribution systems.