Forensic science is a rewarding career in which the love of science can be applied to the process of finding the truth and seeking justice in legal proceedings. Forensic scientists may be involved any time an objective, scientific analysis is needed. The industry is always advancing to meet and surpass the challenges of a modern world.
The forensic sciences form a vital part of the entire justice and regulatory system. The forensic scientist's skill is to use all the information available to determine facts. Issues of law and/or fact that may require forensic science expertise range from questions of the validity of a signature on a will, to a claim of products liability, to questions of whether a corporation is complying with environmental laws. The work of the forensic scientist reduces the number of cases entering the overloaded court system by assisting the decision-makers before a case reaches the court. This decision is based on scientific investigation, not circumstantial evidence or the sometimes unreliable testimony of witnesses.
A VAST MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELDThe AAFS is composed of more than 6,000 scientists organized into 12 sections representing the different areas of interest, activity, education, and expertise of individual members.
Whether you are new to the field or looking to change careers, we offer the most comprehensive list of current employment opportunities in the field of forensic science.