MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Congratulations Graduates! : Mathijs David Arens <a href=Christopher Lowe Abigail Sider Clara Alicia Urionabarrenechea Guerrero Greece P" width="1920" height="720" />

Our MA in TESOL Program prepares you for a wide variety of positions both in the U.S. and abroad. You may select coursework that prepares you for several career choices, including the following: English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction in the U.S. or in a non-English-speaking setting abroad; K-12, adult education, or post-secondary settings; and research in Applied Linguistics. The program emphasizes language acquisition processes, teaching methodology, linguistics, language testing, research, discourse analysis, and sociocultural influences on language learning and use.

We hope you have an outstanding academic experience at Cal State LA. We wish you all the best!

TESOL Program Faculty: Marguerite Ann Snow, Lía D. Kamhi-Stein, & Bahiyyih Hardacre